SHAKESPEARE, I LOVE YOU, de Sorin Misirianţu
(spectacol in limba engleza care va reprezenta Romania la festivalul international de teatru din Casablanca, septembrie – 2011)
cu: Anca Lăcusteanu si Adrian Balint
Miercuri, 29 Iunie, ora 21:00
Diesel Club

Pretul unui bilet este de 15 lei iar pentru studenti 50% reducere.
Rezervari: 0737.300300

Steve, a young student of the Drama School, is Expelled Because of HIS arrogance. He ends up in the streets in a proper and Both the figurative way. He tries to earn living as a street HIS actor. It won ‘Be easy for Him. Mary Lou is a very experimented Street actress. She HAS Been acting scenes from Shakespeare for years only now. The meeting of the two is under the sign of competition and love … The performance is in English.

Pretul unui bilet este de 15 lei iar pentru studenti 50% reducere.
Rezervari: 0737.300300

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