BodyInContact#3 | BEWARE – it´s ART! @ Fabrica de Pensule

4-6 septembrie

Sala Studio, Fabrica de Pensule


Bernd Knappe is back to Cluj for an Intensive Weekend Workshop related to Contact Improvisation as performance practice.

Since a few years Bernd is exclusively engaged in contact improvisation, after freelance work as painter, musician and architect.
In order to build up local CI-communities he is teaching all around in Europe – especially interested in the question, how people without a specialised dance background, body-training or knowledge can find an easy, effortless and playful way into physical improvisation as an arts form.
He supports and initiates integrative dance projects and cooperates with „DanceAbility International”

More about his work:

The workshop includes 5 classes, optional one2ones, a dance-movie-corner, dance-dates, a public open Jam and discussion-rounds about contactimprovisation.
EveryBODY is invited – whether you are an advanced dancer or a curious beginner.

more details and registration:

The event is part of the project – Contemporary Art and Culture for Communities, coordinated by The Paintbrush Factory, and supported by a grant from Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and the Romanian Government.

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