Acum câţiva ani, puţini la număr, dar formatori, ne-am interzis un simţ – văzul pentru a ni se acutiza altul – auzul.
Spuneam că suntem nişte orbi ghidaţi de muzică. Ăsta a fost începutul. Şi a fost bine. Acum, inspiraţi tot de muzică, e timpul să trasăm nişte reguli. 10 la număr pentru ‘alură’. Fiecare e liber să le rescrie în funcţie de propriile simţuri şi trăiri.
1. I am the last of the famous …
2. You must not care if Monday’s blue, Tuesday’s grey and Wednesday too. It’s Friday, you’re in love.
3. The nights were mainly made for saying things that you can’t say tomorrow day.
4. Be happy in the haze of a drunken hour, even though heaven knows you’re miserable now.
5. Maybe in your wildest moments you could be the greatest.
6. Don’t dispare! There is a lot of nothing for all of us.
7. Save some face, you know you’ve only got one. Change your ways while you’re young!
8. Remember that everyday brings change and the world puts on a new face, certain things rearrange.
9. The only thing you’ll ever found that’s greater than it always sounds is love.
10. Hold on to your friends!
Intrare: 7 lei
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