Transeuropa Festival @ Cluj


| Amsterdam | Barcelona | Berlin | Belgrade | Lublin | Cluj-Napoca | Bratislava | Bologna | London | Paris | Warsaw | Sofia | Prague | and many outreach events.

Transeuropa Festival is an artistic, cultural and political festival, the first festival taking place simultaneously around Europe. Through a varied programme featuring cultural, artistic, open-air, and academic events TRANSEUROPA Festival offers a space to IMAGINE, DEMAND and ENACT an Alternative Europe.
All events are free to attend.

In 2013 TRANSEUROPA Festival takes place in 13 core cities around Europe, and will feature outreach events
in many other cities. The Festival features key intellectuals and artists and attracts a mostly young but very mixed audience. It is a unique transnational festival: it takes place in 13 cities but it is not 13 different festivals happening at the same time, but one festival taking place throughout the continent. Transeuropa Festival is organised by volunteers all over Europe, supported by the professional team of European Alternatives. Each event is the result of a partnership and collaborations with NGOs, artistic and cultural institutions, therefore bridging together more than 100 organisations all over Europe.

2013 Edition of TRANSEUROPA Festival

Today, increasing discontent and distrust is expressed by Europeans towards the European Union and in particular, its austerity policies. While this year was designated as the European Year of Citizens, and while the European Parliament elections are only a few months away, many citizens are feeling that democracy in Europe and beyond is in a state of crisis. For these reasons, TRANSEUROPA Festival is needed more than ever.
In 2013 the Festival invites its participants and audience to IMAGINE, DEMAND and ENACT what Europe
could or should be and what it would mean for democracy:

• Imagining an alternative democracy: through creative activities and art, an alternative democracy will
be imagined by the festival audience.
• Demanding an alternative democracy: through the development of a Citizens’ Manifesto, made by citizens both inside the EU and on its borders, a set of demands for an alternative democracy will be generated.
• Enacting an alternative democracy: through public space activities and connections between festival cities, an alternative transnational democracy will be created by the Festival for 3 weeks in October.

• A transnational artistic action opens Transeuropa Festival on Friday the 4th of October. It is a common
and shared gesture happening simultaneously in all the Festival’s cities coordinated by the artist collective LIGNA.
• (Mani) fests: Public Space activities around the European Citizens’ Manifesto
• Performances, video and film screenings
• Forums, debates and key speeches
• Encounters with Members of the European Parliament
• Many other participative activities such as ‘living libraries’, urban walks and bike tours for instance
• The Festival closes with a Transnational Forum taking place in Berlin on 26-27th October, a moment of debate and action where representatives from all the Festival cities will converge.


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