[DUNKELBUNT] electro swing//balkan flavour
warm-up: ROCK LUMEN
afterparty: DJ SAUCE, DUDAWLES
Flying Circus
joi, 26 aprilie, ora 22:00
“Schlawiener” is a cheeky play on words in German, translating roughly as a “smooth operator/dodger living in Vienna”. Someone you almost automatically turn into when moving from a hanseatic city (Hamburg in this case) to the foothills of the Balkans (and stay there for more than a decade).
On this fresh-from-the-oven release, Mr. Dunkelbunt takes the mic himself, rapping about Vienna the way he sees it… and his life as a traveller & jetlag junkie. As far as the music goes, the artist calls it „HipHop-rattle-electro-swing mixed in with funky-sirtaki-dubstep on a eastern tip“. Just in case you wondered.
Ulf Lindemann aka [dunkelbunt] has been labelled „a wizzard of tone colours“ and „specialist for exquisite music- & spice blends“. Only just a few years ago, his highly acclaimed longplayer „Morgenlandfahrt“ got him global prestige as a pioneer producer of all things electro swing/Balkan beats. Since 2011, [dunkelbunt] also tours the planet as a brilliant live act, joined by the Secret Swing Society for that occasion.
Lindemann lives & works in the lovely city of Vienna as a freelance artist since 2001… which of course makes him a true „Schlawiener“!
Answering the question how he himself would describe his sound Lindemann says:
„The world offers a breathtaking plurality of music. It wouldn´t cross my mind to settle for only one style. When DJing I am travelling around the world together with my audience carried on by the music. Timelessly we are dancing through Countries and Continents getting drunk with the infinite beauty of the music. I consider myself an intermediary searching for soulful music and its magic to share it with other people.”
Schlawiener Soundcloud Link:
Youtube Schlawiener (Link)
Dudawles [Inneractive Music / Unusual Suspects]
A mixat prin majoritatea oraşelor mari din România şi la festivaluri precum Summer Break, One Love Festival, Get Out, alături de artişti străini ca S.P.Y, Netsky, Alix Perez, Logistics, Ed Rush, Lenzman, BTK, Cyantific, Electrosoul System sau Subwave, şi artişti români precum Snow, Mesmer, Dudu, Dan Bazix, etc. Dudawles se bucură de releasuri la unele dintre cele mai respectate labeluri din domeniu. Printre acestea se află Broken Audio, Influenza Minus, Dubkraft sau Scarcity. 2012 se anunţă un an plin pentru el, an în care ne promite multe surprize muzicale.
DJ Sauce [Facem Records / Downsound]
In anul 2006 a participat la concertul celor de la Khadija Clouds Society,acest eveniment consemnand practic,debutul pe scena a lui DJ Sauce. Au urmat tot mai multe evenimente muzicale,fie ca warm-up DJ, fie ca headliner.
Din punct de vedere muzical, stilul lui Sauce sare din tipare. Fiind vorba de un stil eclectic, nu se poate discuta despre un singur gen muzical abordat in mixuri. Debutant in genul Hip Hop, care i-a fost izvor de inspiratie, muresanul si-a putut mari aria de inspiratie folosindu-se de versalitatea si complexitatea genului „mama”. Hip Hop-ul este cunoscut ca un gen ce cuprinde si imbina diverse stiluri iar Sauce a ajuns sa creeze mixuri axate pe stiluri aparent diferite.
De altfel, Sauce este apreciat pentru ca ofera ascultatorilor sau spectatorilor din fata platanelor un show de tip „old to the new”.
Rock Lumen
A inceput sa produca si sa mixeze in 2008 sub numele de „Acqzuel”. Primul eveniment important la care a participat a fost editia din 2008 a festivalului de muzica electronica TMBASE din Timisoara , dupa care au urmat o serie de evenimente in marile orase ale tari , impreuna cu artisti autohtoni si dj de renume international precum: Cosmin TRG [ro] , Tes la Rok [fin] , Coki [uk] Wascal [uk] , Propa Tingz [uk] , Numa Crew [it] , Sukh Knight [UK] P-Money [UK] , Subscape [UK] etc… Seturile lui sunt o combinatie de dubstep grime sau garage.
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