Marti, 03.02.09, 22.00, LaGazette prezinta frecventzejoase editie speciala:
Vor suna pe rand productiile Def Jam (Onyx, Public Enemy, LL Cool J,Redman etc), Tommy Boy (Biz Markie, De La Soul, House of Pain etc.), Stones Throw (Madlib, Kazi, Wildchild), Anticon (Alias, Jel, Sole, Dose One), Mush (Aesop Rock, Busdriver, Labtekwon) Mo Wax( Dj Krush, Dj Shadow, Unkle, Blackalicious.), Ninja Tune + Big Dada (Bonobo, Dj Vadim, Dj Kentaro, Amon Tobin, Roots Manuva, The Herbaliser etc.), Definitive Jux (El-P, Mr Lif, Rob Sonic), Rhymesayers (MF Doom, Atmosphere, Eyedea, Brother Ali), Psycho+Logical ( Necro, Mr Hyde,Sabaac Red) sau Warp (Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, Antipop Consortium, Flying Lotus).
Intrare: 5 lei
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