Peninsula 2011

Peninsula 2011


aug. 25: Guano Apes * Tankcsapda * Foreign Beggars * K’s Choice * Zdob si Zdub * Palotai vs. DJ Vasile * Parno Graszt * R.O.A. * Magashegyi Underground * Urma * Stereo Palma * Recycle Bin * Katapult * Kid Chriss * Gojira

 aug. 26: Kasabian * Danko Jones * Markus Schulz * Andy C * N.O.H.A * Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano * Belga * Intim Torna Illegál * Tündérground * Grimus * Reality Engine * Les Elephants Bizarres * The MOOoD * Fading Circles * Dj Fülöp & Lobenwein

 aug. 27: Iggy & the Stooges * Chase & Status and MC Rage * Nick Warren * Subscribe * Ska Cubano * Şuie Paparude * Moby Dick * Anima Sound System * Vad Fruttik * Alvin és a Mókusok * Luna Amară * Horace Dan D * Goranga&Missile * AIM * Sterbinszky

 aug. 28: Within Temptation * Hammerfall * Gentleman and the Evolution * Dub FX * Tiga * Borgore * Pokolgép * Ganxsta Zolee és a Kartel * Compact * Vunk * Guess Who * Mihai Popoviciu * Toulouse Lautrec

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