Între beri şi răspunsuri 2 / The Swan Bride

1. What does music mean to you?

Matej Kačaljak: Tough question to begin with. 😀 I find it a very sophisticated form of communication. Good music (whatever that means), I believe, has the ability to transmit the feelings of author and/or performer to the audience.

2. Name 5 albums that changed your life/the way you see music.

M.K.:  The Horrors – Primary Colors; The Beatles – Sgt. Pepper´s Lonely Hearths Club Band; The Doors – The Doors; The Strokes – Is This It; Paul Simon – Graceland

3. What’s your best memory as a band?

I think that the period between June and August of 2009. We were just getting „famous” in Slovakia, got to play on all the major festivals, we were just enjoying live gigs and nothing else mattered. The energy of that period was just amazing.

Citeste tot interviul.

Trupa slovacă The Swan Bride va concerta în Gambrinus Pub, joi, 10 martie ora 21:00.
Opening act: Band For Rent
Afterparty: Indiescouts.

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