Rokolectiv Soundcamp
Geoda Star Dome, Rucar
27.07 – 02.08.2009
Artisti/ Artists: Suzana Dan, Sergiu Doroftei, Camil Dumitrescu, Ion Dumitrescu, Derek Holtzer, Catalin Matei, Eric Minkkinen, Paul Popescu, Daniel Stanciu
Un proiect finantat de AFCN/ Financed by AFCN
Parteneri/ Partners: MNAC Lab, Ableton Live, Collectif Mu, Star Dome
Rokolectiv Soundcamp este o rezidenta artistica de sapte zile dedicata experimentarilor sonore si field recording-ului. Noua artisti vor lucra in afara contextului urban intr-un studio amenajat in geoda Star Dome de la Rucar, un spatiu de locuit inovativ devenit temporar spatiu de rezidenta artistica. Star Dome este un tip de locuinta modulara, unul dintre putinele exemple de arhitectura sustenabila din Romania.
Rokolectiv Soundcamp propune o ancheta artistica si culturala, o investigare a caracteristicilor sonore ale spatiului natural la nivel de sunet si limbaj. In cadrul proiectului vor avea loc o serie de workshop-uri, prezentari, dezbateri cu si pentru artistii implicati. Lucrarile realizate in timpul rezidentei vor fi publicate pe un CD promotional.
Rokolectiv Soundcamp este urmarea unui proiect mai amplu derulat de Rokolectiv in 2008, European Sound Delta, proiect care a implicat rezidente artistice pe Dunare si Rhin, avand ca principal reper field recording-ul.
Desi soundcamp-ul este destinat cu precadere artistilor rezidenti, cei interesati ne pot vizita la Rucar pe perioada proiectului. Accesul se face cu microbuze care pleaca zilnic din Bucuresti sau cu trenul pana la Brasov si apoi cu curse locale pana la Rucar.
Rokolectiv Soundcamp is a seven days residency for sound experiments and field recording. Nine artists will work out of the urban context in a studio hosted by the prototype of the Star Dome in Rucar, an innovative house turned into space for artistic residency. Star Dome is a modular dwelling, one of the few sustainable architecture structures in Romania.
Rokolectiv Soundcamp promotes an artistic and cultural research, an investigation of the natural landscape with its acoustic and language peculiarities. The project consists of individual field recording sessions, as well as workshops, panels and debates for and with the artists involved. The works realized during the residency will be gathered on a promotional CD.
Rokolectiv Soundcamp is the follow up of European Sound Delta, a broader sound art project co-organized by Rokolectiv in summer 2008, when international artists took part in a mobile residency navigating upstream on the Rhine and Danube.
If you wish to say hi you are invited to join us at Rucar between July 27th and August 2nd. The access to the Romanian mountain resort can be done by public buses which leave daily from Bucharest or by train to Brasov, and then by local shuttles to Rucar.
For more info you can contact us at info [at]
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