O calatorie prin ungherele intunecate ale programarii interactive si generative.
Sambata, 4 Iulie 2009 in Puzzle Caffe (str. Emil Zola nr. 5, Cluj, Romania)
18:00 Opening – Backgound Projections
20:00 Introduction – Claudiu Cobilanschi
20:10 Screening Interim camp [ Marcus Wendt, Vera-Maria Glahn, Arran Poole ]
- Faces [ Todd Vanderlin ]
- Contact [ United Visual Artists(UVA), Sound by Matthias Kispert, Commissioned by the British Council, Tokyo ]
- AR scratching [ Todd Vanderlin ]
- Ed V Zach [ Ed Burton, Zach Lieberman ]
- Oasis II [ Yunsil Heo, Hyunwoo Bang ]
- Animata [ Peter Nemeth, Gabor Papp, Bence Samu, Kitchen Budapest ]
- Body navigation [ Recoil Performance Group dance performance/installation, Developed with choreographer Tina Tarpgaard and programmer Jonas Jongejan ]
- Maeve [ Interface Design team of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. ]
- White Glove Tracking [ Evan Roth and Ben Engebreth ]
- Binarium [ Altart, Programming: Razvan Batin, Istvan Szakats]
- Radiohead – House of cards [ Production Company: Zoo Films, Director: James Frost, Producer: Dawn Fanning ]
- Massive Attack 2008 [ United Visual Artists – UVA ]
- Chemical Brothers [ United Visual Artists – UVA ]
21:30 Answers and Conclusions – Claudiu Cobilanschi
22:00 User controlled visuals After Party.
excelent proiect! felicitari organizatorilor!
Multumim si va asteptam.